Thursday, September 14, 2006

What’s On Your Mind Spiritually?

8 Izzat 163 B.E. – September 14, 2006 at 8:11:40 PM Pacific Time

“What’s on your mind spiritually?” That’s not a question people ask very often. In fact, I’ve never been ask that question. The usual question is “What’s on your mind?” The answer to that question varies from “nothing” to “it’s none of your business”. I wonder what type of answer I would get if I ask “What’s on your mind spiritually?”

I wonder how people would react if, when they ask me “What’s on your mind?” I answered giving a spiritual response. If I said something like “I’m thinking about how much God loves me.” Or maybe “I’m thinking about how generous the Divine Essence is with the gifts bestowed on me each day.” Of course using I and me in this context sounds rather selfish. Therefore, maybe I should reply with “Just thinking about how much the Divine Essence love us.”

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