Monday, September 11, 2006

The Day to Remember Heroes

4 Izzat 163 B.E. – September 11, 2006

This is the day to remember heroes. While it is true we should remember heroes everyday, we usually remember them only on specific days. Days set aside for either that purpose or the days when their presence in the world became suddenly and painfully obvious. Today is one of those days, a day when time stopped.

9/11 brings tears to our eyes, sends chills up our spines. It is the demarcation line between past and present. Most of us remember precisely where we were when we heard the news. We remember setting transfixed in front of a T.V. set watching heroes rush into one of the Twin Towers. We remember watching as the building collapsed around them. We remember staring in disbelief as the scene was replayed again and again. We remember and we pause for a moment of silence or a moment of prayer.

Yes, today is the day to remember heroes, the day to say thank you to those men and women, who daily put their lives on the line without asking anything in return.

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