Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hang in There Part II

12 Izzat 163 B.E. – September 19, 2006

Eventually you have to admit no one else is going to rescue you. Sometimes this revelation is the results of a gust of wind shaking the tree limb. Or you can just loose your balance, but eventually you end up hanging onto the limb by your front paws and head. Then you have to decide if you can or want to continue hanging on like this, or take a chance and let go.

The problem with letting go in this situation is that you can’t see the ground. You don’t know how far down it is or if someone or something soft it there to fall onto. You have to decide whether it’s worth the risk of breaking something when you hit the ground. I’ve encountered a lot of these situations in the past couple of years. I’m not sure if its getting better or worse. The one thing I’m sure of in these situations is that my faith play a large part in letting go.
When I let go of my limb and fall I find someone or something soft waiting to catch me. The people always there to catch me is Baha’u’llah and other Baha’is. Once I let go and place every thing in the hand of God or God’s Reflection to humanity, someone catches me or picks me up off the ground. The only thing I’ve ever broken by letting go of my limb is my fears and doubts. My faith always becomes stronger with the experience.

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