Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sundays Are

9 Sharaf 162 B.E. - January 8 - 9, 2006 A.D.

Sundays Are

Sundays are the days of Jamal (Beauty). The day that I wake up and realize how beautiful the world is and can be. This is the day of beginnings when the week starts off on a new foot. The day of new births when the door to the future, to the coming week, opens. Sundays are when the week and the planet celebrates its birth day.

Sundays are the days when ending become beginnings. Life moves forward each day merges into the next, each week into the next. There is never any ending or beginning only passages through corridors, doors, garden paths. Life is eternal, each new day brings something new and something old into the life of the individual.

Sundays are the days when we devote to God and the family. Humanity is a single family generated through the love of God. God is a single divine essence with many names.

Sundays are the days of resurrection and of creation. These are the days when many of us can sleep late. Even if we can not sleep late and must go to work we can still worship God through our work because Work done with a joyous attitude is worship of God.

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