Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Muse

11 Sharaf 162 B.E. - January 9 - 10, 2006 A.D.

My Muse

My muse has many names because my muse is the Divine Essence and the Divine Essence has many names. My muse appears to me in every aspect of life, calls to me from all the Sacred Scriptures of humanity. Speaks to me from the poems, stories and essays of the past and the present. My muse is the sun rising above snow capped peaks. My muse is incense ascending into the still morning air. My muse is wind chimes and voices calling from the minarets. My muse is church bell on a clear Sunday morning. My muse is a jazz song on the radio. My muse is a wolf calling through the forest or across the arctic tundra. My muse is in the food I eat and the air I breath. My muse is the fragrance of a rose or the rose’s throne pricking my finger and drawing blood. My muse is in the genetic code of humanity, that unites the people of earth into a single species. My muse is in the golden rule common to all religions, restated by the founder of every religious faith. My muse is Baha’u’llah, The Bab, Muhammad, Christ, Buddha, Moses Krishna, Zoroaster, and Adam.

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