Friday, October 28, 2005

Scent of Memory

14 'Ilm 162 B.E. October 28-29, 2005

It's amazing what a scent can bring to mind. I find that even the subtlest scent brings back memories of my Grandparent. My Grandmother didn't dry her cloths in an electric or even a gas dryer. When she did the washing she would hang the wet cloths out and let them dry in the sun. What brought this memory back was the scent of the dryer sheets that we use. For some reason the scent of the fabric softener sheets we use reminds me of wash days at my Grandparents.

When my Grandmother did the laundry, my Grandfather would carry the cloths basket the wet cloths were in out to the line. After the he carried the cloths basket to the line, my Grandmother would hang the cloths on the line. While my Grandmother was hanging out the cloths my Grandfather would do other stuff around the house, but he always carried the basket of wet cloths to the line for my Grandmother. My Grandmother would hang the cloths out and then she would do another load of washing.

After my Grandfather retired the wash day ritual was always the same. My Grandmother would do the washing and my Grandfather would carry the cloths to the line for her. I remember that the washing machine was in a room toward the back of their house. I think he added the room to the house himself.

My Grandparents contributed a great deal to the way I feel about myself and the world around me. I always enjoyed being with my Grandparents and the memories I have of them usually return quite vividly when aroused by a scent.

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