Saturday, October 22, 2005

Love's Enigma

7 'Ilm 162 B.E. October 21-22, 2005 A.D.

Love's Enigma is going to be a poem. I'm at the brain storming part of the poem, so I'm going to use this blog to brain storm this poem today. I got the idea while reading a poem that defined love. That poem was by someone in one of the groups I belong to. The poem was beautiful and visual. However, I want Love's Enigma to be a bit different from that poem. So I am going to start writing and see what I come up with.

Brain Storming Love's Enigma

What mystery is this that come in the silent morning,
A voice whispering across eaons of desire.

Why does the riddle of memories scattered across
The sands of forgotten beaches haunt my midnight dreams.

When will the puzzle of your parting words fit
Into a coherent picture that makes sense.

Where will I find you waiting for me
I have looked into the face of fire and can not see you.

Who remembers you besides me
I have spoken your name to the wind
And it echoes it back to me.

How do I recognize you in you new form
I remember you as you were when love was new
And we were the only ones in the garden.

Now there are others walking the paths that we walked
I cannot see you, but you are reflected in their eyes.

Every where I look I see the reflection of your face
Every where I walk I hear the echoes of your steps
Reverberating across the beach of my desire.

Love, Beloved, Lover all become one in the dawn
The sun and the stars orbit the galactic center of your memory.

I am the planet waiting and you are the star of my longing.
Love, Beloved, Lover are only words when compared with the memory
Of our last meeting.

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