Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Tuesday Afternoon Free Write

Fidal (Grace), 4 Kamál (Perfection), 172 BE - Tuesday, August 4, 2015 about 6:12 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I haven't made an entry in this blog since July 31 because I can't think of an idea. So this afternoon I put on another carafe of coffee tow see if that would help me think. While the coffee was brewing I washed the dishes, which sometimes helps me think of of a theme. The dishes didn't work and I'm not sure if the coffee will work either.

I sit down at the computer to work. I open a document and I stare at the screen without writing anything. I'm even having problems with this free write because my mind has drawn a blank. I don't have any problems writing in the mornings, it's just afternoon writing that gives me problems. I think for the next week or so I'll use prompts for my afternoon writing sessions. I can respond to a prompt any time of the day or the night without difficulties.

This morning I begin an exercise class which scheduled for two days a week. The class cuts into writing time, but I need the exercise. The only exercise I get lately is taking the trash to the alley, which isn't enough exercise. I'm going to close this now because I can't seem to think of anything else to write.

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