Saturday, December 27, 2014

Year End Thoughts

Jalal (Glory), 16 Masá’il (Questions), 171 BE - Saturday, December 27, 2014 about 3:50 pm Pacific Standard Time

Four more days in 2014 and it it time to consider the lessons learned. What lessons did you learn this year? Did your faith increase or decrease? Normally we look at the increase or decrease in profits at the end of the year, but today I want to look at the increase or decrease in faith.

the evidence of things unseen
and the ability to move forward
through a dense fog while staying
on our chosen path.

Faith is important because it sustains an individual in difficult times and gives hope that the situation will get better. Faith is all that has kept me moving through 2014 because a fog seemed to surround me. I did not know how I was going to survive, but I did. I found help when I needed it. I still need help, however, I know that if I look and ask the help will come.

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