Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday: December 11, 2014

Istijlal (Majesty), 19 Qawl (Speech), 171 BE - Thursday, December 11, 2014 about 11:59 am Pacific Standard Time

I am on day 72 of my 95-Day Gratitude Challenge, which I have listed on Facebook and kept a separate journal on I have struggled with writing, keeping the journal, and doing housework for the past 72 days. I do not think the housework issue has anything to do with the difficulty I have at finding things to be thankful for, but I could be wrong.

I am thankful for
cloudy skies in December
and cold autumn rain.

I have 23 days left in this 95-day Gratitude Challenge. I am going to finish the challenge and the entries in my journal Welcome to My Weird Life. One of the issues I am facing is making entries in this blog, Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges from her Cocoon. I cannot do daily entries so I have attempted every other day entries, which seems difficult as well. I am pushing myself, but I don't think I'm pushing myself hard enough.

I am grateful for
a rooster's call at first light
the birds are singing.

This is catch up day because I have spent the last three days running around the city. On Tuesday and Wednesday I had doctors appointments, while on Monday I did grocery shopping. On Friday I have to do laundry and pick up a prescription. I'm not sure what else I will have to do that day, but I know something will come up.

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