Saturday, November 03, 2012

Haibun-Haiku: The First Saturday in November

Jalál (Glory), 19 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 169 BE – Saturday, November 3, 2012 about 12:25 PM Pacific Time

a neighbor’s dog barks
an oleander is dead
no more pink flowers

The pink oleander, which grows or rather grew by the back fence, is dead and I think the red one is dying. I am not sure what is killing them because the white oleanders are blooming and the rest of the weeds in the backyard are growing like weeds. All right, that is how weeds are supposed to grow.

The dog in the yard behind the fence is barking this morning. He or she does not normally bark, so I have no idea what is causing the dog’s problem. I did not see any one or anything unusual in the backyard when I looked out the kitchen window. The dog could be barking at one of the neighborhood cats; one cat likes to bate this particular dog. Perhaps because the cat knows that the dog will not do him or her any harm.

I suppose I have to have the dead oleander removed; however, I think I will wait until after I use the plant as inspiration for a story or poem. The mystery of why the oleander died would make a good story plot because oleanders are weeds (my own opinion) and weeds are hard to eradicate, especially oleanders. I know, I have tried having them removed and they just come back.

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