Saturday, October 31, 2009

I am staying home and leaving the porch light on

Jalál (Glory), 16 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 166 BE – Saturday, October 31, 2009 about Sunset Pacific Time

Normally, we go out on Halloween night; however, tonight I'm staying home and leaving the porch light on. I bought candy (probably too much candy, because I always buy too much candy). I bought candy that Mom and I will eat, so if there is any left from Halloween night there won't be a problem. I'll put the leftover candy in the freezer and we will eat it a little at a time.

Halloween candy
brings back childhood memories
Grandma made cookies.

As a child, I enjoyed Halloween, but now it's just another day. When we were growing up my Grandmother would make cookies for the Trick or Treater's. All the neighborhood kids would come to our house because they knew they would get homemade cookies. Grandma enjoyed making the cookies. The neighborhood kids enjoyed getting the cookies and their parents didn't have to worry because they knew who made the cookies.

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