Monday, October 26, 2009

As I watch the sun set in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 11 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 166 BE – Monday, October 26, 2009 about 6:00 PM Pacific Time

I watch sunset in
Las Vegas remembering
sunset in Blackwell.

Sunset always brings back memories of Oklahoma. Sometimes I remember sunset at Lake Blackwell. Sometimes I remember sunsets in Blackwell. Today I am remembering a sunset I witnessed at my grandparents home.

It was autumn. I was outside playing in the yard. Grandma liked us to spend as much time outside as possible. It was getting close to dinnertime and Grandpa had just came home from work. I think it might have been a Friday because we always went to my Grandparents' house on Friday evening or Saturday.

I don't remember how we got to their house, perhaps we walked. We did a lot of walking when I was a child. My two brothers, my sister and me walked together. As I said, it was sunset and Grandma called us in for dinner. Why I remember that particular sunset I don't know.

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