Sunday, November 05, 2006


2 Qudrat 163 B.E. - November 5, 2006

It’s been a while since I last posted to this blog. My days have consisted of completing the assignments for EDU 636 and considering making myself a time schedule. The time schedule is for achieving the goals I have decided to complete in one day. After considering the time schedule and the reason achievement of some of those goals are difficult, I’ve decided to see where I waste time rather then setting a daily time schedule. A limiting the time I spend on writing a paper or research isn’t going to help until I know where I’m wasting time.

I don’t have another class starting until November 12, so I can spend the week figuring out where I waste the most of my time. OK, so I know at least one spot I’m wasting time. This means that I can’t play FreeCell until I’ve completed a specific word count. That will help, but not completely. I still have other habits that waste time. Oh well, one-step at a time, one day at a time.

I will say this, I’m in a better mood than I’ve been in for a while. It’s fall and I’m in a decent mood and not worried about anything. Circumstances are looking up. I’ve got a pair of new shoes (new to me anyway). It’s interesting, I seem to be able to do the assignments for class no matter what my mood, but I have difficulty posting to my blogs if I’m not in a good mood.

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