Saturday, November 11, 2006


8 Qudrat 163 B.E. - November 11, 2006

Everyday is an historic event. Somewhere in the world, somebody is making history. It may not be a big event, but it does have the potential of changing the world.

Everyday children are born. Each child has the potential of doing good. Each child had the potential of making a difference in the world and changing the world for the good.

Everyday each of us wakes up and looks at the world through a curtain of our own thoughts and habits. We think it is going to be a good day if we wake up in a good mood.

Everyday each of us has the potential of doing something good for someone else. Every day we each have the opportunity to change the world for the better. How do we change the world? We change the world through the transformation of our character. We change the world by changing ourselves and acquiring spiritual attributes.

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