Tuesday, November 28, 2006


6 Qawl 163 B.E. - November 28, 2006

When I first learned to type, which was in the high school in Shawnee, Oklahoma, we used sentences written on the chalkboard (no it wasn’t a white board, but a real chalkboard) by the teacher. I remember two of the sentences (not necessary how they were punctuated, just the sentences themselves).

Those sentences were:
“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.”
“Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country.”

Maybe it’s time to change one of those sentences to
Now is the time for all concerned people, to come to the aid of their planet.

Although I suppose today instead of writing the sentence on a chalkboard or even a white board the sentence is in a book or on a sheet of paper. I don’t think they use type writers anymore either. Today most people learn to type on keyboards. When I was growing up a keyboard referred to the white and black keys on a piano or similar type of musical instrument.

Times have changed and so have many people. Some human haven’t changed but many have and are in the process of transformation. Humanity is changing it’s world view moving to see the entire planet as humanity’s home land, as the native country of the human race. So maybe it’s time to change some of the typing (do people still call it that or is the word keyboarding now) exercise sentences to reflect the new and emerging view point of the human race.

I know I’ve changed my world view in the past several years. I’ve changed my opinion on a number of things. So change, transformation is possible, not easy mind you, but possible. If a person wants to change then that person can. In order to change one has to change the thoughts behind the actions and the actions slow change. I am becoming more aware all the time of how my actions are changing as I change the way I think about and the world around me and myself.

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