Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thoughts on the Phases of Life

18 Jalal 163 B.E. – April 25-26, 2006 A.D.

The End of a Solar Day:

Thoughts on the Phases of Life

Sunset approaches, the end of one solar day and the beginning of the next. This is the cycle of life, the phases of existence. When the end of one phase of life occurs another begins. There is not time, no space between beginning and ending. Life and the seasons move forward. A planet orbits its star, a moon orbits its planet, nature moves through phases.

From earth, we watch the moon move through repeating phases, from the moon we see the earth move through phases. Our lives moves through phases, as individuals we change and grow, become mature. Our lives move toward, what appears from this side of the veil as, death. The body dies, the soul passes into the after life. What does the soul take with it into the next world? It takes the attributes developed in this life. All a person has in the next world is the spiritual attributes it developed while on this plane of existence. How do we develop spiritual attributes: prayer, meditation, tests and difficulties; bringing oneself to account.

Sunset approaches, the end of one solar day and the beginning of the next and the one thing that is always constant is the love of God.

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