Sunday, April 09, 2006

Phobia Website

1 Jalal 163 B.E. April 8-9, 2006

Question about Phobias: If the fear of spiders is arachnophobia and the fear of flying is aviophobia, then what is fear of flying spider? An intriguing question don’t you think? The website has an alphabetic list of all the phobias that exist on earth or, at least, those that known to exist. This website has phobias for almost everything (except flying spiders). It also gives links to places where a person can get help for phobias. I suggest anyone who is afraid of something check this website out, you may have a legitimate phobia and if you do, there is probably help for you somewhere. However, if you like me (I have arachnophobia) and don’t want help in over coming it, then at least you know what phobia you have.

One of the more intriguing (at least for me) phobias this website list are the fear of cats called ailurophobia. This is a phobia (as my friends can testify) I definitely don’t have. Another fear that I find interesting is barophobia which is the fear of gravity. Can you imagine an astronaut with barophobia? An astronaut with barophobia would have problems with both lift off from earth but coming back to the planet as well. Actually, an astronaut with barophobia sounds like a good character for a science fiction story.

Check this website out; there are enough phobias to keep a fiction writer’s muse happy writing character sketches, stories and poems. I’ve bookmarked this website so that I can return anytime my muse starts to fade. To get to the website immediately, just click on the title to this entry.

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