Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Don’t Know What to Write

3 Jalal 163 B.E. April 10-11, 2006

I don’t know what to write.” This is the thought that keeps running through my mind this morning. However, I think the problem is that I have so many things I want and need to write and I do not know where to start. Ordinarily I would simply start at the beginning, but with so many things to write about where is the beginning. Maybe it would help if I listed some of them.

OK, my mind is a blank, I start to make a list and I stare at the screen. The idea is to accomplish a specific amount of writing during the allotted time. This is something that sets my inner critic off, a specific amount of time to accomplish a goal. Then I start noticing distractions in my surroundings and on my computer. My world is full of distractions background noise, a cat that seems to think the computer is another animal I am paying too much attention to, the thought running through my mind, the stress I have or create for myself, and the list goes on and on and on.

Distractions an unending song, there was a “never-ending song” on a kids show that used to be on channel 10 (PBS) in Las Vegas. I do not remember the words, but I do remember that when the children singing it came to the last verse they would start again. Then there was the “Never-Ending Story”, if I remember that correctly it had a dragon and a child who rode the dragon. When the story ended, it started over. So now I have never-ending distractions, that call me away from writing or interrupt me in the middle of a piece.

Then, of course, there is procrastination, putting off the tomorrow or preferably next week or next year what I “should’ve” did yesterday. Other things that interrupt writing as well, God did not create the human body to set in front of a computer and type all day and all night. My muse will not permit me to create all the time without some type of external input, i.e. I have to take my muse for a walk periodically or it gets hungry and refuses to work.

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