Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A Beautiful December Evening in Las Vegas

‘Idál (Justice), 10 Qawl (Speech), 166 BE – Wednesday, December 2, 2009 about 4:20 PM Pacific Time

Sunset approaches turning the sky from blue to blueish-white. It is a warm 61 degrees at this time, but it will get cooler. I say cooler because it seldom gets extremely cold in Las Vegas. True it does snow on Mount Charleston, but Las Vegas is in the valley so we don't get a lot of snow down here.

I miss the snow. If I want to see snow or play in it, I have to drive to Mount Charleston and driving to the mountain when it snows means putting chains on the car. I have never bought chains for any car I've driven. I have never put chains on the tires of a car. Perhaps I've missed something, I wouldn't know.

I could fly to Colorado, I talked to my brother today (the one who lives in Colorado) and he said they're expecting snow. I have no intention of going to Colorado in December. Since I can't go to the snow and it isn't going to snow in the valley, I'll just have to dream or write about snow.

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