Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thankful Thursday December 3, 2009

Istijlál (Majesty), 11 Qawl (Speech), 166 BE – Thursday, December 3, 2009 about 4:11 PM Pacific Time

The idea behind Thankful Thursday is that, no matter how difficult life gets, a person can always find ten things for which to give thanks. Those gratitude items can be anything from a coffee maker working to waking up at dawn. Sometimes it's hard to find gratitude items, especially when life kicks you in the teeth. However, if a person keeps an open mind and looks hard enough there is always something to put on the list.

  1. Today I am thankful that the neighbors (across the street) turned on their Christmas lights last night.
  2. Today I am thankful that I have enough coffee in the house to last me the rest of December.
  3. Today I am thankful that I have two coffee makers in the house. One is a peculator and the other is a drip coffee maker.
  4. Today I am thankful that I have a clock radio to wake me up in the morning.
  5. Today I am thankful that I remember to buy a filter for the central air unit when I went to Food 4 Less this afternoon.
  6. Today I am thankful for online banking and the ability to pay bills from home.
  7. Today I am thankful for the beauty of a desert sunset.
  8. Today I am thankful that I have an entire set of dentures, so that I can eat homemade vegetable soup and crackers.
  9. Today I am thankful that I was able to have a new digital thermostat installed before winder got cold.
  10. Today I am thankful that today is Thankful Thursday and I can make my gratitude list.

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