Friday, May 18, 2007

Facets of Faith

2 Azamat 164 B.E. – May 18, 2007

I came up with this idea yesterday. I’m not sure where it is going right now. I do know lately I’ve had trouble writing entries for this blog. I haven’t made a n entry for several days. What does that have to do with faith? An interesting question, almost as interesting as my life the past few days; since Monday it’s been one long adventure (that’s as good a word as any) right after another.

Monday I took my mother to the doctor. Her appointment was at 10:20 AM. Now getting Mom into and out of the car is a project. She hasn’t been home from the Rehab Hospital very long (maybe a week) so when I take her anyplace, I have to take her wheel chair. I load Mom into the front seat (this gets easier with practice), after which I remove the leg rest from the wheel chair and put them in the back seat, and then I fold the wheel chair up and load it in the trunk. I tried putting the chair in the backseat, but it’s easier getting it in the trunk. It’s a bit more difficult getting it out of the trunk, but that’s because of the cover to the spare tire. After the doctor’s visit, she went for x-rays and a blood test, didn’t get home until around 2 PM.

Tuesday morning sometime between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM, got a phone call that Mom’s potassium and magnesium were low and that I should get her to either an Urgent Care or ER. I took her to the Urgent Care on West Charleston and Rancho. She was there until sometime between 3:00 Am and 5:00 AM Wednesday morning.

Wednesday somewhere around 11:00 AM, got a call from her doctor to take her to Valley ER because the x-ray showed a problem with her lungs, we stayed until about 8:00 PM. The x-rays were clear so the doctors sent her home. Then Thursday morning a different type of emergency took us out of the house, I didn’t have anyone to leave Mom with so she went. Anyway, because of all this, I didn’t get on line for about three and a half days.

So what does all this have to do with the facets of faith? During all this chaos the one thing that helped me through was a prayer revealed by the Bab, The Remover of Difficulties, and one revealed by Baha’u’llah, The Tablet of Ahmad. Without these two prayers, I don’t think I could have gotten though. Both prayers I memorized a long time ago. Both focus my attention on positive thoughts rather than on the negative.

Faith is like a diamond. It’s true beauty doesn’t come out until it is shaped by the diamond cutter. Tests and difficulties help shape a person’s faith and polish it’s facets so they can sparkle. The last few days have certainly polished my diamond.

I still have a lot to do, but I’ll get it done. In the mean time … what? I lost my train of thought. Oh, well I guess that’s what I get for multitasking. I’m trying to wash a load of sheets and type this at the same time. I have washed so many sheet the past few or maybe it’s been two weeks. My sense of time it not what it used to be. I know what day it is and year, but past events seem like distant memories – stress or just plain weariness. Interesting, it’s been eight days since my last post, doesn’t seem like that long.

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