Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thankful Thursday: What am I thankful for this week?

Istijlál (Majesty), 18 Mashíyyat (Will), 173 BE - Thursday, October 13, 2016 AD about 3:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

What am I thankful for this week? Perhaps the question should be what new things am I thankful for. Sometimes it seems as if I'm listing the same things on my gratitude list everyday, week, or month. I know that I have new things to put on my gratitude list, but when I sit down to make out the list my mind draws a blank of new items and I list the same old things.  Let me see if I can list a few new items on this week's list, 

This week I am grateful... 

01. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn. 

02. ...that, with the help of my sister, I was able to afford to get an alternator for my 2000 Kia. 

03. ...for fresh brewed Folgers black silk coffee. 

04. ...that I was able to get to the bank and back home yesterday without the battery going dead because of the alternator. 

05. ...that I have a coffee mug to drink my coffee out of each morning. 

06. ...that I had pepperoni pizza for lunch today. 

07. ...that I can leave the door and window open on these beautiful autumn days. 

08. ...that I have a Super Blow Pop grape sucker by my computer waiting for me to eat it. 

09. ...that I don't have to worry about picking my my prescriptions until the first or the third of November when my Social Security check hits my bank. 

10. ...that I have access to cloud storage for some of my stories and poems. 

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