Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Midweek Reflections on writing.

‘Idál (Justice), 9 Kalimát (Words), 173 BE - Wednesday, July 20, 2016 AD about 4:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time 

It's Wednesday, I've finished one poem and on story. I have two stories and two poem to finish. I also have to decide which blog I'm going to stop posting to. I think I will continue to post to this blog and let the writing blog flounder for a while. I enjoy writing, but I have to finish cleaning off my computer desk which means I'll have to give  up something for a while. I will attempt to post every-other-day to this blog, while continuing to work on the stories. 

Sometimes I have trouble coming up with themes or subjects for an entry. In addition, if I don't get a post composed in the morning it usually doesn't get done. I'm remaining in the house for the next two or three days. I have to go  to Smith's on Saturday or Sunday to pick up a prescription. I talked to the pharmacist this morning and told her I would pick it up no later than Sunday. I don't need to worry about that prescription for the rest of this week. I just don't feel like going out in the triple digit temperatures. 

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