Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Midweek Reflections on Panic Day 2016

'Idal (Justice), 9 Alá’ (Lofitines), 172 BE - Wednesday, March 9, 2016 about 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time

March 9 is Panic Day. I discovered this when I did a search for Weird Holidays in March 2016. I didn't discover the reason for this day nor who decided it should occur on March 9 every year. I'm sure whoever named the day and picked the date had a good reason for this choice.

My mode of panic depends on a number of things, but usually I don't panic until after the emergency is over. I know that panic doesn't do any good. I also know that sometimes panic can be dangerous. I know both of these from personal experience and witnessing other people who panic. Another thing I discovered about panic is that it doesn't do any good to panic when you're along. Panic gets a much better response when you have an audience.

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