Sunday, January 03, 2016

Spiritual Sunday: When is the Sabbath?

Jamal (Beauty), 4 Sharaf (Honor), 172 BE - Sunday, January 3, 2016 about 10:02 AM Pacific Standard Time

This morning my friend ask me "When is the sabbath?" I answered her by saying "The sabbath is supposed to be the seventh day which is Saturday. However, some people consider it to be Sunday." I based my answer on the fact that the sabbath is supposed to be the day set aside for the observance of worship of God rather then earning a living. After answering my friend's question, I got to thinking about the Sabbath and wondering when it ought to be observed. gives three basic definitions of the sabbath. The first concerns Saturday, the seventh day of the week, when God rested from his work of creation. The second definition concerns Sunday, which is the day my family observed as a day of worship. When I was growing up, my grandparents would take us to church and Sunday school every Sunday. The third definition makes the Sabbath any day set aside for prayer. Today, I like this last definition best because it does not confine prayer and worship to a specific day of the week. I like the idea of being able to pray and worship God any day of the week.

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