Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thankful Thursday

17 Mulk 162 B.E. February 22-23, 2006 A.D.

In one of my Yahoo journaling groups, this is Thankful Thursday. The prompt for today is to list ten things you are thankful for; this is a repeating prompt that occurs every Thursday. The question in my mind this morning is, not so much what I am thankful for, but how do I cut that list down to only ten items. There are so many things in the world that causes one to give thanks. Among the prayers revealed by The Bab and Baha’u’llah and written by ‘Abdu’l-Baha there are numerous prayers of praise and gratitude.

In the Baha’i Prayer Book prayers for Praise and Gratitude are listed under the same heading. This is understandable, at least from my point of view, since when one gives praise to God one is thanking God of all occurs in one’s life. Gratitude or thanksgiving is an ability one can practice everyday. No matter what events occur in one’s life, whether that events are good, bad or indifferent, there is always something for which to give thanks. So often human beings look at the bad stuff that happens and sees nothing but darkness and despair, however, no matter how dark or dispirit the situation in one’s life there is always a bright spot in one’s day.

True sometimes one has to look for the bright spot. Sometimes the only bright one can see is dawn’s sunlight turning the bark on the stone pines in the front yard golden, but that is a bright spot to focus upon and it may be the only bright spot in an entire day. I’m not saying that there isn’t tests and difficulties, but rather than worrying about the tests and difficulties look at the joy and happiness. When one focuses on the darkness all that a person sees is darkness, but when one focuses on the light or even looks at or for the light then one usually sees the light.

So now I come back the ten items or events that I am thankful for this week. What do I put down? First, I am thankful that when the sun rises over Frenchman’s or Sunrise Mountain (I live in Las Vegas over twenty years and I still not sure if that is two different mountains or one mountain with two names) it turns the bark of the stone pines and the olive tree in my front yard golden. Second, I am thankful for hearing the healing message of Baha’u’llah, while there have been and still are time when I think I can not do anything right, the one thing I know that I did right was accept Baha’u’llah. Third, the prayers revealed by Baha’u’llah because not matter what the situation in my life and the world around me there is always a prayer covering the situation. Fourth, the ability to write poetry, if I cannot say how I feel in any other way I can put it in verse form. Fifth, the test and difficulties that have occurred in my life which have helped me develop my talents and God given abilities. Sixth, the tests and difficulties that will occur in t my life (same reason as number five). Seventh, my cats that cause me to laugh at least once a day. Eight, my friends because without their prayers and emotional support I am not sure I could get through the day. Ninth, the medical study I am participating in right now that gives me free medication. Tenth, my mother (who is still in this world) because without her (and my father, of course) my soul would not have the chance to develop its abilities in the material realm.

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