Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lucky Day

14 Rahmat 164 BE - Saturday, July 07, 2007

Today (07/07/07) is supposed to be a lucky day. According to the news on the internet, bunches of people are getting married today because it is lucky. Although, I’m not sure what luck has to do with marriage. I’m single and never been married, so perhaps I don’t know what I’m writing about, but I always thought marriage was something couples worked at and it had nothing to do with luck.

I live in Las Vegas; many people here consider luck to be a part of everyday life. Today aught to be a busy day on the Strip and downtown, which means I’m going to take extra precautions today not to go near those places. Las Vegas Blvd. south (the Las Vegas Strip area) will be crowded and slow. The day will be hot; we’ve had excessive heat warning for the past few days. The Strip area is going to be a place one wants to avoid. Actually, I avoid getting out at all if I didn’t have to, but I’ve go to drive across town and pay my internet provider for another month.

I don’t gamble, I do write however and luck sounds like it would be a good theme for a short story or flash fiction. Getting married on 07/07/07 sounds like it would be a good subject for a story; I don’t write romance, I write science fiction and fantasy stories. Maybe I should put a little romance in some of my stories; it might make a nice change of venue. I also write mystic poems, but I’m not sure that luck has a lot to do with mystic poem themes or subject.

The luckiest thing that every happened to me was learning about Baha’u’llah. I’m not sure that had a lot to do with luck however. It had more to do with being open to hearing about religious and spiritual subjects. I also had two dreams when I was younger and lived in Blackwell, Oklahoma, that may have had a lot to do with hearing about Baha’u’llah or my receptiveness to the message.

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