Monday, July 09, 2007

God’s Love

16 Rahmat 164 BE – Monday, July 9, 2007

God show love to humanity in many ways. One of those ways is to send prophets, manifestations (reflecting divine attributes), or messengers to humanity to let us know the Divine Will. One of those messengers was the Bab, which means the Gate. Today is July 9; it is the commemoration of the Bab’s martyrdom. At about noon on July 9, 1850 the Bab died before a firing squad in a market square. He gave his life for humanity; he gave his life because of the love of God for the human race.

We talk about the love of God for humanity, but often times we don’t consider what that love means. Each of God’s prophets have sacrificed for the human race. Some of them give up their homes and were prisoners in exile for decades, while other gave their lives. Everyone one of them is proof of God’s love for us. We have to live our lives in such a way that we reflect that love to humanity. When the messenger ascends into the next world, not matter the method of ascent, then the individual must find a way to reflect the love that messenger had for God and humanity.

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