Thursday, January 11, 2007

Update on My Life

12 Sharaf 163 B.E. - Thursday, January 11, 2007

I’ve been remiss in posting on a regular basis to this blog lately. It’s not that there is nothing happening in my life. There is a lot happening, just nothing I really want to write about. However, I think I’ll write about the intriguing start to 2007. So far the weather in Las Vegas has been interesting, actually cold would be a better description; although there are people who would say the weather’s been nice. My definition of cold weather is when you have to have the central heating unit on to keep warm. Not that I turn the air on at night, I don’t. At night I wrap up in blankets to keep warm, but wrapping yourself in blankets during the day is difficult, especially when you have to walk back and forth through the house. I simply can’t wear enough cloths to keep warm and be able to work at the same time. So therefore I have to have the heat on. I’m not even going to mention the power bill except to say … nothing. I’ve did too much complaining as it is. The more I complain the more I seem to have to complain about.

On a brighter note, I’m still taking two Ruhi study circles. In the one on the Twin Manifestations, we’re studying Baha’u’llah’s life now. The practice to this section of the book is to share an illustrated presentation of the live of Baha’u’llah. The book comes with a pictures and I can download a PowerPoint presentation the Ruhi website. The only thing to do is for me to write what I’m going to say to go along with the pictures. Then I get to make a home visit and share it with someone or with a family.

In addition I have a Lectora module to do for my masters’ class and I’m working on rewriting and writing a novel (two different things). I have a lot to do, but I also am submitting work for publication. You know looking at what I have to do, I don’t have time to worry or complain, because it just gets in the way. When I complain my inner critic acts up more than usually and interferes with the achievement of my writing goals.

An interesting side not about my “inner critic”, it seems to act up less with I say my prayers and read the writing regularly. Right now, my mother and I are reading to each other. I’m reading the Dawn-Breakers to her and she is reading the Tablets of the Lord of Host to me. Well, I think that’s it for today, I’ll attempt to post again tomorrow.

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