Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Dream of Blogging

9 Mashiyyat 163 B.E. - October 5, 2006

I dreamed of blogging last night, of typing words into a blog entry. I dreamed of writing about my day, of writing about my favorite scripture verses. In my dream, I composed poetry, essays, and stories.

I dreaded of blogging last night. The entry began to the word to or today. I wrote about my experience yesterday. Yesterday I went to a seminar at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. One of the speakers was the Duchess of York. I wrote about the experience in my dream. I wrote about walking through the Desert Passage to find the conference room to attend the seminar.

I dreamed of blogging last night. I typed the entry into a blank document. I wrote about how it feels to write. Writing changes my mood from dark to light. In the dream, I wrote a free-write. Free writing is sitting down at a computer or picking up a pen and paper journal and writing. You write without thinking what you are going to write. You write what ever comes to mind. If you are stuck, you repeat the last sentence. If you are stuck, you repeat the last sentence. Then you continue on writing, writing, and writing for either a timed or an untimed period. You just sit and write until you have written your subject out or covered every subject you want to write about or time runs out. I dreamed of blogging last night.

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