Sunday, October 22, 2006


7 Ilm 163 B.E. - October 22, 2006

I’m back again, this time my absences wasn’t that long. The reason is valid, I got a bit behind on my homework and had to complete and post a discussion board subject. Then I had to respond to some of the other students’ post. This week I have both an individual and discussion board project due by next Saturday. Later I’m going to do some research on both the project, but I’m planning on posting the discussion board by Wednesday, at the latest.

Before I start writing on either of the project, I am going to out line them. This is something new for me. My normal way of doing a paper is to find the research and read it then writes the paper. However, I’m in a rut and need to approach my work in a different manner.

I am a bit worried about the grade I got on both papers that were due last week, but I always worry about the grade no matter how good a job I believe I did not it. I think I’m a worrier, which is unnecessary.

I don’t need to worry. Baha’u’llah has reveal a number of wonderful prayers to place things in God’s hands. All I have to do is go to my prayer book and find a prayer. I haven’t decided which one of the prayers revealed by Baha’u’llah for Tests and Difficulties is my favorite. In fact, I haven’t decided which one of the prayers revealed by Baha’u’llah is my favorite. Maybe I should put my prayer book on my reading list.

I started a reading list. Right now, its only got three items on it, but that’s only because I haven’t decided on order of the other books I want to read. Well I’d better go now, I’ve still got the research for my class to do. The first thing I’m going to research is a definition for asynchronous and synchronous. I need to include those definitions in each paper. The great thing about online classes is the research and the writing of the papers. The papers have to be in APA format.

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