Saturday, July 01, 2006

Asking Questions

8 Rahmat 163 B.E. – July 1, 2006 A.D.

In order to find truth a person must ask questions. Not only must we ask the comfortable questions, but we must ask the uncomfortable questions as well. We must question our doubts, our comfortable ideas and our preconceived notions. If we do not learn to ask questions, we will never find truth for ourselves and if we do not find truth for ourselves, we will remain bound in our superstitions.

Why are questions so important? The obvious answer is that questions eventually lead us to truth, but that is not the complete answer. Questions is one of the attributes of God, are innate to the human soul. From the time, we are old enough to know the difference between the outside world and ourselves form queries.
We ask, “Who am I?”
We ask, “What is my purpose in life?”
We ask, “When will there be peace on Earth?”
We ask, “Where am I going?”
We ask, “Why is the sky blue?”
We ask, “How did I get here?”
Speaking of asking questions, I found an intriguing website that does just that and not only does it ask question, it ask the important questions. In fact, this website would like your questions. It is called dropping knowledge, it is a worldwide initiative whose goal is to transform apathy to action. The creators of this website want you to ask yourself a question about the issues confronting humanity today. After you have asked your question, they request that you submit that question, that you donate that question to them so that they can post it on the website.

If you are curious about dropping knowledge simply, click on the title to this entry to access the website. Donate a question, it does not have to be a world-shaking question, it can be whatever you want to ask. The categories’ of questions range from Animal Rights to Science and Technology. Look at the categories, ask your question, submit it and donate your question to the website. If you are not sure which of the twenty-five categories your question belongs to, use the “Other” category.

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