Thursday, July 14, 2005

Encountered On My Journey

2 Kalimat 162 B.E. (July 13-14, 2005 A.D.)

In my soul's journey toward spirituality, it is carried through this material world by my body. On this journey I encounter many conditions, people and things that either attach me to this material or physical plane or guide me toward the spiritual plane. Each of these encounters - whether it attaches me to the material plane (or world which ever one wants to call it) or guides me toward the spiritual - assist my soul in it journey. One of the recent encounters that helps guide my soul toward the spiritual realm is Joseph Sheppherd's book A Wayfarer's Guide to Bringing the Sacred Home.

Scattered through out this amazing book are quotations and prayers from the Baha'i sacred writings. These quotations and prayers assist my soul in its journey by illuminating the path it is taking. The quotations assist my soul by giving suggestions on the way I need to act and react to conditions encountered. The prayers focus my attention on God and His Glory. Both the quotations and prayers encourage my quest for spirituality. However, this is not a quest that I can achieve without test and difficulties nor can I achieve it by isolating myself from the rest of humanity. For me, at least, spirituality is something that must be achieved while walking through the material world with the rest of humanity.

This is the first in a series of blog entries on encounters on my journey. In the up coming weeks and months I will write about other encounters I have had and will have on this journey. I will also continue to write about poetry and writing ideas I come up with. For me writing is a part of the journey, I can not separate writing from the journey any more than I can separate my faith from the journey. For me both writing and faith are important to the journey and to the achievement of the goal.


The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

"I can not separate writing from the journey any more than I can separate my faith from the journey. For me both writing and faith are important to the journey and to the achievement of the goal."

Great realization! Are they not an integral part of the journey itself? It's like separating bone from sinew and then expecting each to function normally ... won't happen!

I'm glad you liked my poem. I have been fascinated by the CSI phenomenon ... what are people looking for that they find in the microscopic evidence of death?

Keep it up!


Kerry M. Conway said...

~For me both writing and faith are important to the journey and to the achievement of the goal.~ OUTSTANDING!

hello love! thank you for stopping by my blog. i have read your profile-smiles-we have a lot in common! i love and read many of the writer's whcih you have mentioned in your profile. and of course, i now fly freely uder the winger of a beautiful tiger swallow...

outstanding post! i will be back...


ps. i have published 5 poems so far. *smiles* keep writing of your journey-it is a beautiful one!

Kerry M. Conway said...

i have just linked you to my blog! great writing! i will return soon!

Anonymous said...

A Poem for the Blog by Joseph Roy Sheppherd writing from Trnava, Slovakia

I Am the Love I See

"Both in the eye of the Beholder,
and the soul of the being beheld,
I am the mirror of what I see.
I am the light that reflects from me.
There in the glass and in my eyes,
awakened in new-born surprise,
I am the love I see.

Both halves am I:
here, the infolder of the whole,
and there, the one who's held.
I am the water wet in the sea;
I am the sky of eternity.
Here, up here with wings that rise,
and there with arms that hold the prize,
I am the love I see."

Som Láska Ktorú Vidím

“Aj v oku pozorovateľa,
aj v duši pozorovaného,
som toho čo vidím zrkadlovým obrazom.
Som svetlom čo odo mňa sa odráža.
V tom zrkadle i v očiach mojich,
prebudený v novoobjavenom prekvapení.
Som láska ktorú vidím.

Obe polovice som:
tu, ten ktorý všetko drží
a tam, ten čo je držaný.
Som mokrá voda z mora;
som nekonečná večnosť neba.
Tu, tu hore som s povznášajúcimi krídlami,
a tam s poklad zvierajúcimi pažami.
Som láska ktorú vidím.”