Saturday, June 09, 2007

An Interesting Morning

5 Nur 164 B.E. – Saturday, June 09, 2007

It’s been a very interesting morning. I took Mom to the DMV to get the handicap placard to hang in the window of the car. I thought they would charge a fee, but there’s no fee for the placard. We arrived at the DMV office on East Sahara sometime after 8:00 AM, went in, but we didn’t have a long wait we left about 8:30 AM. We went to the bank, so Mom could withdraw some money, then we went to Food 4 Less and came home.

I still have to pick up some Meds for her either today or in the morning. I think the pharmacy closes about 5:00 or 6:00 PM today. Tomorrow is Sunday, the pharmacy will be open, but not until either 9:00 or 10:00 AM, I’m going to call and check the hours they open and close this afternoon.

Mom’s therapist gave her three different types of exercises to do. One set she does in bed, another setting down and the third standing up. Then she walks using the walker several times a day. She’s getting stronger all the time, but she still thinks she’s not progressing fast enough.

This morning I took two cans of trash and two recyclable bens out to the curb. I’ve got another can of trash working in the garage for Wednesday. I still don’t have a working garbage disposal, so I can’t use the dishwasher. Oh, I probably could, but there is a good chance if I did I’d either be bailing out the dishwasher or mopping up the kitchen floor neither of which is appealing at this time. So, I’ll continue to wash dishes the old fashion way until I can get power to the disposal. You know, it sounds like I’m complaining, but I don’t think that’s what it is. I think I just writing to find a subject; writing to get my thoughts straight.

Before we left this morning, I said the Long Healing Prayer. I’ve been reading that prayer at least once a day ever since Mom came home. Right now I’m just tired. It’s work putting the wheel chair in the trunk and taking it out again. Normally I do it only once a day, but today it was four times and if we go to the pharmacy this evening it will be five. It takes a lot of energy and leaves lots of burses. Someone asked me at Feast why I had so many burses on my arms, it’s from putting the wheel chair in the trunk and taking it out again.

Well I guess that’s all for today. I have to put the trashcans and recyclable bens in the garage. The trash cans used to stand on the east side of the house. When Mom went into the hospital in March I moved them to the garage. It’s easier for me to carry trash to them and to get them to the curb on Wednesday and Saturday. The recyclable bens always stayed in the garage, but I moved them from the worktable against the south wall to the floor near the north wall of the garage, easier to carry them to the curb.

Mom enjoyed going to the grocery store today. However, next time I take her I think I’ll let her use one of those ride around carts they have for the handicapped in the store. It’s a lot easier than trying to shop pushing a wheel chair. Oh, well that’s what life is a series of lessons; not that I expect everything to be easy or to get easier as I get older, but I can make it as convenient and easy as possible.

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