Thursday, June 28, 2007

Breathing in God

6 Rahmat 164 B.E. - Thursday, June 28, 2007

It dawned on me today that when I pray and meditate, I’m breathing in God. My soul is inhaling the fragrance of the beloved. I especially like several Baha’I prayers. My favorite prayers depend on what’s going on in my life at the time. So if someone would ask me today what my favorite prayer is, I’d say the Tablet of Ahmad, but if I was asked the same question tomorrow or the next day, then I’d probably give a different answer. All the prayers are wonderful, but some of them speak to my soul at specific times.

Word by word
I am breathing in God
inhaling the fragrance of his love.

1 comment:

The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

I'm glad your mom is home. How is physical therapy going? I love this post and your poem.

My thoughts turn to you
when my heart