Friday, August 31, 2018

Discovering the Secrets of the Universe

The virtues
of the seeker after truth
are two:
first, to seek knowledge,
second, to pray for blessings.

With these twin virtues
the seeker can discover
the secrets of the universe.

This poem is also posted in the journal Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon  Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Late Afternoon Drive: Autumn Memory

Leafless limbs
Bid good night to the day

Islands drift
Across the azure sky

A dragon
Upside down between islands

A couple
Walk hand-in-hand

Palm trees' hair
Blow away from their faces

Waving flags
Welcome the setting sun

Green pine limbs
Beckon the rising moon

 This poem is also posted in  the journal Writing in Snow, in the folder Awardicom Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mirror of Unity

The mirror
of God's Most Great Name
cast His reflection
across the human heart
uniting humanity.

This poem can, also, be found in the journal Writing in Snow, located in the folder Awardican Items, in my port.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Work is Worship

with all your mind, heart, and soul--
on the job at hand,
and do the best you can.

This poem is also posted in Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Mother's Prayer Book

I open Mom's prayer book
I leaf through it
to find
Mama's favorite prayers.

Memories flow through my mind
of Mama
setting in her room,
reading prayers
before she left the house
to go to work
or shopping.

This poem is also posted in the journal Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Meditation on Forgiveness

In the privacy of my chamber,
in the silence of morning
or evening,
I contemplate forgiveness
and ask my Lord to forgive me.

This poem is also posed in Writing in Snow in my writing.,com port under the folder Awardicon Item. On I am Prosperous Snow.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


Inhale the fragrance of morning,
the aroma of the new risen sun,
and rejoice.

 This is also posted in the journal Writing in Snow, under Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The line advances,
A snake slithering
between roped corridors.

 This poem is also posted in Writing in Snow, under Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Friday, August 10, 2018


Prayer transforms
the individual's soul and mind.

In the tranquility
of your abode
intone the prayers
revealed by the Glory of God,
while feeling the Holy Spirit
flowing through the words.

This poem is also post in Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Healing a Gift of God

Healing comes from God
doctors and medication are
tools of the Almighty.
This poem is also posted in Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my port.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


My soul is a butterfly
in the cocoon of matter
being transformed
by the grace and test
of the Almighty.

This is also posted in my port in the journal Writing in Snow. This journal can be found in the folder Awardicon Items. On I am Prosperous Snow.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Happy Friendship Day

Happy Friendship Day
to all my neighbors across
across the Earth and the Universe.
This poem is also posted in Writing in Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my port. I am Prosperous Snow.

Saturday, August 04, 2018


August a month of joyful memories
Urging me to pay again in cool pools,
Gust of hot summer winds
Urge my aging body to stay indoors and
Sip iced tea from tall cold glasses
Thoughts of my child hood return: Making me smile.

This poem is also posted in Writing in Snow, under Awardicon Items, in my port.