Sunday, February 03, 2019

Earth's Blessing

A rainbow arc spreads across the firmament,
voices praise in a thousand dialects
this paradigm of God's ancient covenant.

Voices raise intoning God's trillion names--
glorifying the mirrors of His attribute--
as they cross the bridge that connects
the rift valley that separates
into sects
the religion of God.

A rainbow spreads across Earth's continents,
mystic dance--
accompanied by castanets, bells, tambourines, lutes,
lyres, harps, dijeridus, bagpipes, musical bows,
reed flutes, talking drums, etc.--
as echoes reverberate and voices unite
into a single symphony
proclaiming that there is not a place on Earth
unblessed by the mention
of one of God's names.

I, also, posted this in the journal Writing in  Snow, under the folder Awardicon Items, in my portfolio. Visit My Portfolio @ Writing.Com

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