Friday, October 27, 2017

Prompt Friday: Answering a What Question

Prompt: What can you find at home that you can find nowhere else? 

Neighbors who wake me up at 1:00 AM pounding on the wall. The question arises, why are they pounding on the wall with a hammer at 1:00 in the morning. The answer is (probably) driving nails to hang a picture. 

The second question is, why do they have to hang picture at 1:00 on a Friday morning. Most people in this complex work five, six, or seven days a week from morning until evening. This means that the want to sleep from about 10:00 PM until approximately 7:00 AM. Waking up at 1:00 AM, breaks up their sleep. 

It's hard sometimes for me to get to sleep. Once I fall asleep, I like to sleep through the night. Waking up at 1:00 in the morning disrupts my sleep cycle and causes me to curse. I don't like to curse, especially when I can't yell over the pounding to make the person using the hammer, hear me. I'm not going to know on the door of anyone who has a hammer or any other type of weapon in their hand, just to curse them out. At least not unless there's a police officer standing beside or behind me. 

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