Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Need an Idea

15 Azamat 163 B.E. – May 30 – 31, 2006 A.D.

In a few days, I’m going to have to come up with a subject that other people in a blog contest can respond to. The background is this, at I am in a Follow the Leader Blog contest. There are about twenty participants in the contest, which began Monday, May 29, and each participant submits a leading entry once during the contest and everyone else responds to the entry. When the participants respond to the leading entry, they use the title of the leading entry as the title to their response entry. Anyway, I’m going to need to come up with an interesting title and then write the entry to go along with the title.

The reason I entered the contest was to spice up my blog entries and break through a wall of writers’ block. I’ve spiced up my blog entry, at least the Snowflake Chronicles which is my blog. In fact, I’ve changed the rating on that blog from ASR to 18+. Now I have to come up with an intriguing title, this seem to be the problem at the moment. My muse doesn’t want to light on anything. She (my muse) keeps fluttering from flower to flower, but doesn’t want to settle on anything specific.

Here are the ideas I’ve come up with so far:
1. A rant about gas price, but without an interesting title; actually I don’t have a title for this at all.
2. A description of my muse and how my muse is a skin changer (I wrote a short essay on this for another contest last year); the title to this is “My Muse is a Skin Changer”.
3. Why I date my blogs the way I do; I don’t have a hook for this.
4. A rant about SPAM; I don’t have either a title or a hook for this.
5. A rant about my telephone hookup and how it kicks me off; I need a title for this. (Besides I really don’t want to do a rant).
6. Why laundry needs doing everyday and what happens when one doesn’t do it everyday (properly written this could be very funny).
7. Write a survey of some type (Written properly this could be funny); I still need an interesting title.
8. Write a short story.
9. Write a poem.
10. Write an essay on the similarities between playing FreeCell Solitary and rewriting poetry. I do have an article about this, but it needs rewritten and I wanted to write something new for my leading entry.
11. Do an entry about Las Vegas colorful characters, one of which is the Mayor.
12. Do an entry about my cats, I haven’t written a lot about my cats in any of my blogs.
13. Write about living in Las Vegas and not gambling.
14. Write about some of the dreams I remember. I responded to today’s (May 31) leading entry by writing about the dream I had last night.
15. Write about the Master’s Class I’m taking.
16. Write about the Ruhi class I’m taking.
17. Describe my inner critic; this doesn’t appeal to me at the moment. Although, properly written it could be enlightening.
18. Write the rules to a poetry game; this has the potential of being very funny.
19. Describe an open mike poetry reading. This has potential.

I’ve got a start, the problem is that none of the ideas listed appeals to me at this time. Maybe if I attempt to come up with some interesting, unusual or weird titles lightning will strike. It could also be that I just worry way too much about this and need to stop obsessing about the subject. Maybe what I need to do is just start writing, I don’t have to make the leading entry until next Monday or something like that. I’m sure that I will find an idea between now and then.

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