Monday, May 29, 2006

Writers’ Block

13 Azamat 163 B.E. – May 28 – 29, 2006 A.D.

I’ve had one bad case of writers’ block lately. OK, I know a poet who had writers’ block for two or three years, so my case isn’t too bad, but for me it was depressing. I did find out one thing about writers’ block today. If I let my muse ramble, I don’t have a problem. Maybe I need to change my routine. Get out of my routine and do things in a different order. Routine isn’t conducive to new ideas, although it’s conducive to rewriting or is it? Having a writing routine is good, but getting in a rut isn’t. There is a thin line between routine and rut. If you stay in a rut the rut gets deeper and deeper until you need a ladder to get you out.

Anyway, I realized today, when I was making the entry for my blog that I need to let my muse roam and ramble. If I let her (Yes, I refer to my muse as female) ramble then she will walk around the wall that’s causing the writers’ block. My writers’ block is never just a square or a block. My writers’ block is usually a wall, a huge long wall with no doors or windows or drawbridges. In fact, my writers’ block usually resembles the Great Wall of China, so if I let my muse roam she usually either rides or walks around the wall.

What else was I planning on saying? That’s one of the problems, if I don’t let my muse roam I can’t think of anything to say. If I ramble across the page moving from one subject to the other, then I come up with all sorts of ideas to write about. Therefore, I suppose my entries will be rambling for a while moving from subject to subject. I guess I could decide on the main subject or the title and then start writing. That should be interesting and enlightening. If I do that there’s no telling what I’ll come up with, but the rewriting will be fun. Focusing the piece down to one subject and separating the subject into different articles.

I enjoy blogging, but I don’t write directly into my blog any more. I write the piece in MSWord and then copy and past it into the blog. I’ve got telephone hookup to my internet provider and the connection’s been really freaky lately. I can be on line for an hour or two hours without a problem (on rare occasions), but usually I get knocked off every thirty or forty minutes. I don’t know why, it could be the phone line or it could be the weather. It could be anything; it’s not so aggravating that I’m planning on getting anything more expensive (at least not yet). Beside there are other advantages to having telephone internet hookup.

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