Monday, March 06, 2006

Morning Thoughts About Dreams

5 Ala 162 B.E. March 4-5, 2006 A.D.

It is cloudy outside this morning, it is after dawn and the sun has not shown its face. I woke up with a phrase from one of the prayers revealed by Baha’u’llah running through my mind. The partial quote that keeps running through my thoughts this morning is “… bless my affairs, and redeem my debts, and satisfy my needs.” This is a phrase in a prayer on pages 223 to 224 of the Baha’i prayer book. Not sure why it is running through my mind this morning, because that was not the prayer I said before going to bed last night. Interestingly enough, I do not remember any dream I had last night or early this morning.

I have had some intriguing dreams ever since the Fast begun on March 2. The dreams I have had all had the same theme, finding something. In each case, it was not finding something that I had or thought I lost. Instead, they were dreams about finding things I did not know I possessed. In one case I found paper money in the wallet, I carry all the time, when I had the dream knew I do not have any paper money in that wallet but I looked anyway and the wallet was empty. In the other dreams I found little things such as gems, jewels and coins that I did not realize I had in my possession. The interesting thing is that I found these items all over the house and most were laying right in plain sight in places that I look at everyday.

These dreams have gotten me to thinking about the blessing I overlook everyday. I think when I start my springhouse cleaning later on today, I am going to go about it a little slower than usual and see what I do possess. I think if I start it now I should be able to get all I want completed before March 21. It is not that I have that much to do; it is just that I have a tendency to overestimate what I can achieve in a single day.

I actually do not think the dreams are referring to material object, I think they have more to do with spiritual blessing or even talents and attributes I possess, but do not realize I possess. In the last couple of months, my dreams have stayed with me longer then usual. Normally I forget most of my dreams when I was up, but that is not how it has been since February 7 or before. The majority of my dreams have stayed with me and I have been having some extremely intriguing dreams, all of which have spiritual themes or continuations.

1 comment:

The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Are you okay?
