Sunday, March 19, 2006

It Has Been a While

18 Ala 162 B.E. March 18-19, 2006 A.D.

It has been several day since I posted to this blog. Therefore, I guess I will go over all that has happened in my life. First, someone broke into the house while my mother and I were asleep and robbed us. Whoever it was took some costume jewelry, ids and broke into the safe or used the key in the jewelry box to open the safe (OK, so putting the key to the safe in a jewelry box is not a good idea). The robbers also took the keys to the house and to the car; fortunately, the extra key to the car was not in the jewelry boxes and my brother had an extra key to the house.

Second, I begin going for my Masters again. The last time I attempted the stress of life got the best of me and my grades fell. This time I am going for a completely different program and at a different online university. I cannot say that I am not stress or at the very least nervous, but I am taking a different approach this time. For example instead of worrying about half-a-dozen different things in a single day, I am allowing myself only one worry. In addition, I am repeating The Remover of Difficulties a lot. Of course, today (March 19) is only the first day of class so we will see how things go.

A new year begins soon and it is time for me to make my new years goals. Naw-Ruz (the Baha’i New Year) falls on the first day of spring and that is when I make my new years goals. I am not going to call them resolutions because a resolution is something one makes and often does not keep. On the other hand, one achieves a goal through taking specific steps. I am not going to say much about what my goals are right now, except that I am writing, at least, 8,000 words a day. Considering that the class I am taking requires a minimum of two 2 to 5 pages papers a week 8,000 words a day may be an understatement of the average words per day.

1 comment:

Marco Oliveira said...

Happy Naw-Ruz!