Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Leap of Faith

13 'Izzat 162 B.E. September 19-20, 2005 A.D.

Invisible path
Fog shrouded forest hidden
Darkness/night concealed

That is as far as I've gotten on that poem. Need a little more work. Not sure at this point where it is going.

The next issues is writing daily in my blog. Seem to have some trouble with that maybe I need to attempt two or three times a week rather than daily. I haven't had writers' block, but have worked on other writing projects.


The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

Hi Neva,

How are you doing?
I like the beginning of this poem. Keep working, you're a talented writer.
I'm doing another workshop this weekend at B&N. Can you make it?
Hope to see you there!


Anonymous said...

Darkness/night concealed - by what? What can conceal night but darker darkness. Hmmmmm . . . food for thought. I like the poem. Can't wait for you to finish it!
