Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Writing A Blog

17 Masa'il 162 B.E. December 27-28, 2005 A.D.

Writing a blog is some times difficult especially when it comes to topics to write about. There are time when I can think of all sorts of things to write about and other times I am blank. A new year is coming up and my faith is becoming stronger. That would be a good topic the way faith is strengthened. Another topic good topic is prayer or my favorite scripture verses. When it comes to my favorite scripture verses they change over time and according to what is happening in my life. This is going to be a rambling entry. Walking all over the place and getting no where, running in circle out of breath. Driving in circles - which brings me to the fact that I have no sense of direction.

I can find my way in Las Vegas. That is because there are land marks (and I am not talking about a casino) that I can see from almost any place in town. No matter where I am if I can see at least one of my land marks I can find my way around. The problem comes in when it gets dark. Some of the land marks I use when I drive can only be seen in the day time. Getting lost in the dark is an adventure. The problem with getting lost after dark here is the lack of stars. The city is so bright that you can not see the stars. If I could find the Big Dipper and the North Star I might be able to find my way around this city. Well I thank I have rambled on long enough for tonight.

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