Friday, December 09, 2005

Season Of Peace

17 Qawl 162 B.E. December 8 - 9, 2005 A.D.

In the twenty-firsts century peace can have no season, otherwise humanity will destroy itself and the planet. This century must be both the century and the season of peace. The individual must strive to overcome personal prejudices so that peace is in the heart and the mind at all time. Peace must start at the grass roots level with the individual. Then spread outward from there. Peace on earth is more than simply political treaties or agreements. Peace on earth is an individual commitment to go beyond the wall of one’s fears and learned prejudices.

We look at the world today and think that peace is not possible, but we are viewing the world from a distorted reality. We are viewing the planet while standing on its surface. We need to look beyond the present crises and see the world as it is view from orbit. When earth is seen from orbit there are no national boundaries or religious demarcation lines. The only boundaries seen from space are natural boundaries: mountains, oceans, seas and rivers. When viewed for orbit earth is a single country and humanity a single race.

NOTE: This was written a couple of days ago as a results of a prompt from one of my writing groups. I do not think this article is finish yet so I will expand it. This was written in about ten minutes (that is the minimum writing time on that prompt group).

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