Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Last Sunday in September 2017

It is the last Sunday in September 2017, I'm feeling a bit down. I'm not sure why, but I think it may have something to do with the change of season. It's autumn, the temperatures (at least here in Las Vegas) are cooler. We've turned off all the air conditioning that keeps the place livable in summer. The door remains open all day, which does make it a bit chilly in the house. That's all right because I really don't care to have the space heater on right now. 

I've finished 182 of the 200 poems I'm dedicating to the Blessed Beauty. I begin poem 183 today, with the intention of finishing it sometime this evening or tomorrow. The bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah is 28 days away. I will be attending the bicentenary celebration here in Las Vegas, so I may have a final poem (over the 200) to write after returning home from the celebration. 

Last Tuesday, September 19, I had an outpatient procedure on my left leg. My leg feels better today than it has all week, so it is healing. That is good, but I still have to get up and walk around. I need to walk around more than what I am. Therefore, I will get up right now and walk around, and when I get back I will post this. 

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