Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday Thoughts on Falling Asleep

Istijlál (Majesty), 4 Bahá (Splendour), 174 BE - Thursday, March 23, 2017 CE about 10:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time 
"Research indicates that you should end screen time well before bedtime for quality sleep. What is your take on this, do you believe it makes a difference or not?" Blog Prompt 

I usually get off the computer about twenty to thirty minutes before I go to the recliner I sleep in. It takes me around thirty minutes to get ready for sleep. After I sit down then I put some eye drops in my eyes, take medication, put lotion on my feet and legs, say prayer and read something. This takes me about an hour. 
Once this is done I put another type of eye drops in my eyes, turn out the light and attempt to go to sleep.
My smartphone usually lays on the wooden television stand on the left side of the recliner. Also on that stand is my prayer book, a loose leaf notebook, a pen, the pillbox containing my morning meds, and a bottle of water. I close my eyes and attempt to fall asleep. Sometimes it is easy to fall asleep and sometimes it is difficult. If I find it difficult to sleep then I meditate by closing my eyes and focusing my mind on something pleasant. The only time I don't have any difficulty falling asleep is when I eat some chocolate before laying down. 
I don't think putting my phone farther from my sleeping recliner would make any difference. At least it hasn't made a difference the few times I've left it on the desk by my computer. I also don't think sleeping in a bed or on the couch would make any difference. When I sleep in a bed my back hurts so badly that I can't sleep. When I sleep on the couch I can't raise my feet up comfortably. My doctor has told me to sleep with my feet up. The only solution to my sleeping problems is to sleep on a recliner. 

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