Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Works for me Wednesday: How do I cool down on a hot Las Vegas Summer Day?

‘Idál (Justice), 3 Jamál (Beauty), 171 BE - Wednesday, April 30, 2014 about 1:44 pm Pacific Daylight Time

How doe I cool down on a hot Las Vegas summer day? I put my canned fruit in the refrigerator to get cold before I open it for a noonday snack or desert. When I open the fruit it is cold, so I can eat it right way without having to put it in the freezer to cool down. If I want the desert frozen, then I open the can and put the fruit in a baggy or some other storage container to let it freeze.

In summer, the temperatures in Las Vegas rise to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. On those hot days, it is nice to have a cold fruit snack already waiting in the refrigerator or freezer to help cool me down. Since I am on a low potassium diet, I can no longer have ice cream to help me cool down, but I can still have some types of canned fruit as long as I watch the  potassium content per serving.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Meditation Monday: Refilling the Well

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 171 BE - Monday, April 28, 2014 about 6:33 pm Pacific Daylight Time

"I learned never to empty the well of my writing,
buty always to stop when there was still something
therin the depp par of the well,
and let it refill at night
from the springs that fed it."
Ernest Hemingway

How do I refill the well of my writing? Thought sleep, meditation, and prayer. I know that there is always more inspiration in the deep part of my well - which is my soul - and that it is through prayer and meditation that the water of inspiration refills my well.

Oh, my Beloved!
I open my prayer book:
Praise and gratitude.

Praise, gratitude, and healing prayers always refill the well of my inspiration. When I fell ill, I open my prayer book and say  a healing prayer. Most of the time I chose the long healing prayer, but it does not matter which one I chose because the prayer always refreshes and renews my inspiration.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Summary Saturday: Review of April 20 to April 26, 2014

Jalál (Glory), 18 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - April 26, 2014 about 2:40 pm Pacific Daylight Time

It's summary Saturday and, according to the note I wrote myself about today's  theme, I'm supposed  to summarize the week with a focus on what I learned.  What did I learn this week? After contemplating this subject I decided that I learned the following things.

1. I do not have enough hangers in my closet to hang up all my clothes. Therefore, I have to clean out the large Tupperware© container, that is sitting in the bathroom, to hold my t-shirts.

2. I need to do my laundry every Friday morning because the laundromat has fewer customers, so I can find a place to sit while waiting for the clothes to wash and dry.

3.  I need to purchase four more wash clothes because I only have two in the apartment.

4. It is difficulty, but possible to write 750 words without stopping.

5. I have more room for canned vegetables in my cupboard if I store the canned fruit in the refrigerator.

6. I need more storage containers of different sizes because I do not have enough to hold leftovers because I cannot cook for just one person.

I think that is about all I learned this week, which I thin is enough for one week. It is getting warmer here in Las Vegas, so I think I am going to like having a cold can of fruit in the refrigerator. The only problems is that I have to figure out different ways to fix applesauce. How many ways are there to fix applesauce before a person gets tired of eating it?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thankful Thursday: April 24, 2014

Istijlál (Majesty), 16 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Thursday, April 24, 2014 about 10:55 am Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...

1. ...that I was able to extend my premium membership on another three months from June 30, 2014 to September 30, 2014;

2. ...for the new broom, dustpan, and mop I was able to purchase on Monday, April 21 because now I can sweep and mop the floor;

3. ...that I still have an internet connection so that I can work online and earn some extra money;

4. ...for the six ice cube trays I was  able to purchase when I went to the store on Monday because now I will not have to buy ice this summer.;

5. ...that I joined 750 words on Wednesday, April 23, because it is a fun challenge to type 750 words in one setting;

6. ...for ginger ale because it makes sweetened and unsweetened apple juice taste a whole lot better;

7. ...that, because of the cool temperatures in Las Vegas, I did not have to turn the cool air on at all yesterday;

8. ...for the beauty of a sunshiny spring day in Las Vegas;

9. ...that I have $10.00 coming to my PayPal account from one of the survey groups I joined;

10. ...for the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah and the Bab.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday Ten: The Haves and The Have Nots

Fiḍál (Grace), 14 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Tuesday, April 22, 2014 about 1:05 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Ten things I have in my studio apartment...

1. small mop bucket and one large mop bucket;
2. new sponge mop with an extra mop head;
3. new broom;
4. dustpan with small brush to sweep up crumbs or coffee grounds;
5. ...six blue ice cube trays;
6. toilet brush and one plumber helper;
7. manual can opener, which is not helpful in opening the tight lids on jars;
8. ...four wooden stand alone T.V. trays to use as tables;
9. ...four sponges to use to wash dishes and counter tops;
10. magnet pillow to sleep on.

Ten things I do not have, but need in my studio apartment...

1. shower curtain with small adjustable shower rod;
2. trashcan for the bathroom;
3. more refrigerator magnets;
4. ...five more spoons with two being serving spoons;
5. office chair with both rollers and arm rests;
6. jar opener or something to open the tight lids on jars;
7. reading lamp to sit by the love seat;
8. set of various sized storage containers to use in the refrigerator and freezer;
9. set of dishtowels so that I can dry my dishes instead of letting them sit to air dry;
10. or two 16 oz. tumblers made of glass for my ice tea and coffee this summer.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Summary Saturday: The Good, The Bad, and The Painful

Jalál (Glory), 11 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Saturday, April 19, 2014 about 10:24 am Pacific Daylight Time

I'll start with the painful, which occurred on Thursday night. I had another episode of stomach pain which caused me to get offline early, curl up in the fetal position, and attempt to get some sleep. I didn't get much sleep because of the pain, so I sit up and slowly said the long healing prayer, which helped more the curling in the fetal position. The pain eventually subsided and I was about to get a little bit of sleep.

I know the pain was caused by something I ate, but I can't figure out what. The last doctor I talked to about it suggested that the problem was eating fat; however, I hadn't eaten anything with fat or even any red meat for over a month. One of the condiments I ate could have caused the problem, but I don't know which one. I'll just have to make sure I don't eat all three condiments on the same day and see what happens.

The bad occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday, I had a panic attack and was unable to do anything for a two or three minutes perhaps more. On Wednesday night I dealt with a bout of insomnia and could hear every strange noise that my apartment makes as well as those coming from the apartments on either side. The weird thing about that is that one of the apartments is empty, so there shouldn't be noises coming from an empty apartment.

The good concerns a new library card and shoppers' card. On Monday, I went to Von's and got one of their shoppers cards. After that I went to the library, got a library card, and checked out a book of poems by an author I'd never heard of. I like reading poem and stories by unfamiliar writers. On Wednesday afternoon, I gave away the chocolate Easter bunny I had in my freezer because I checked the potassium after I purchased it and found out that the bunny wasn't on my low potassium diet plan.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Spring Gratitude

Istijlál (Majesty), 9 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Thursday, April 17, 2014 about 2:46 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Today I give thanks for the spring
and for the birds that sing.

Today I give thanks for the vegetables
that lay on my kitchen table.

Today I give thanks for the sunshine
 which makes me happy in springtime.

Today I give thanks for the oak tree
whose leaves cast their shadow over me.

I have so much to be thankful for on this bright and beautiful spring day. It is April when showers water the garden preparing it for May flower. So far this month, we have experience very little rain in Las Vegas, but there is always hope.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Travel Tuesday: A Trip Down The Aisle of a Supermarket

Fiḍál (Grace), 7 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Tuesday, April 15, 2014 about 4:16 pm Pacific Daylight Time

A trip up and down the aisles of a supermarket is always an adventure. I know where some of the items located, but others I have not idea how  to find because they  do not  list  them on  the signs at the beginning and ends of each aisle.Today, after finding the items I went in for, I decided I needed a jar of prepared horseradish. I thought it was located in the same aisle as the mustard and salad dressing, but it was located in the section with the packaged cheese and stuff; which I suppose makes sense when you think about what taste horseradish is used to enhance.

After finding the horseradish, with the help of a customer service agent, I went to the produce section. There I purchased an individual watermelon and a package of individual red, orange, and yellow peppers. I like to use these peppers in my soup because they add a  slight sweetish taste to the chicken soup. After returning home and lugging the bags into my apartment, I was tired.

I think I have to take a different approach to grocery shopping because it making two or three trip up and down the same aisle looking for something wears me out. Therefore I will take a more methodical approach to grocery shopping. That way I will get everything I want or went into get without tiring myself out.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spiritual Sunday: Am I doing enought for Mother Earth?

Jamál (Beauty), 5 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Sunday, April 13, 2014 about 2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Am I doing enough for Mother Earth? When I lived in the house I attempted to recycle by putting cans, glass, newspapers, and plastics in the recycle bins and carrying them to the curb every-other Saturday. Now that I live in an apartment, I recycle only the aluminum which I either sell myself or give to one of the people who checks for aluminum cans in the dumpsters.

The approach of Earth Day (Tuesday, April 22) caused me to ask two questions: (1) Am I doing enough for Mother Earth? and (2) Does the way humanity treats Mother Earth have an effect on our spirituality? The first question I can answer easily with a "No!" because there are probably other things I can do to help the planet. The second question I don't have an easy or a clear answer for and I'm not sure anyone does. It is a question that takes more research then I have done at present.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Foodie Friday: This Week's Chick Soup

Istiqlál (Independence), 3 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Friday, April 11, 2014 about 10:38 am Pacific Daylight Time

This week's chicken soup contains
  1. Four chicken legs boiled with meat removed from bones
  2. Two green onions
  3. Two 2 inch long spears of asparagus
  4. One large green bell pepper sliced into bite sized chunks
  5. One small package of carrots sliced but not peeled
  6. Five or six small orange or red bell peppers sliced.
  7. Several dashes of hot sauce
  8. Water enough to cover the chicken when it is cooking, with more water added as needed while the vegetables are cooking
 This makes enough soup for one person for several days. I also fixed a green salad with Roman lettuce, daikon radish, and some other type of green vegetable (I don't remember what the person at the Farmers' Market called it). I still have to fix a vinegar and oil dressing for the salad, so I'll have to look that recipe up on the internet because I have not made this type of dressing before. In fact, this will be the first time, in my 67 years, that I made dressing of any type and I'm looking forward to the experience.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Will Today's Workout Happen?

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Jalál (Glory), 171 BE - Wednesday, April 8, 2014 about 9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time

It's Workout Wednesday, but due to financial issues, finding some business items, and business calls I won't get to my 11:00 am class. I didn't go yesterday, so I should go this afternoon sometime if I can scrape up the money to purchase some necessities, so that I can go into the gym. I ran out of money and specific necessities earlier this month then I did last month. Right now it's a choice between doing laundry and getting the necessities required for me to go to the gym and other places.

The only workout I may get today is taking the trash to the alley and going to the mail box. Carrying the trash to the alley is a good workout, but going to the gym is better.  Perhaps if I take the trash out of the bathroom first and then later carry the trash out that is under the sink. I need to do more walking anyway, so that is as good excuse to get me walking as any.

It's workout Wednesday
a beautiful day to walk
out to the alley.

Right now, I need to fix me something to eat, so that I have the energy to take the trash to the alley. I warm the food I had left over from yesterday and I think I'll take the chicken down from the freezer so that I can fix that this afternoon or tomorrow.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Meditation Monday: Difficulty Meditating

Kamál (Perfection), 18 Bahá (Splendor), 171 BE - Monday, April 7, 2014 about 5:56 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I find it difficult to quiet my mind when I focus on nothing. In order to stop my self-talk and flying thoughts I have to focus on something. When I chant God's Most Great Name using the prayer beads to count, I can focus on the chanting and this calms my mind. I have also found that when I focus on the action of washing dishes I can calm my thoughts and quiet my mind. I need a point of focus for me to quiet my mind.

I'm sure that washing dishes isn't encouraged while meditating. I always thought that you had to sit in a comfortable position and focusing on nothing. When I chant the Most Great Name, I usually sit in a chair or on the love seat and face east. The chair is more comfortable because I can simply turn it in the proper direction. If I sit on the love seat then I have to turn only my head toward the east, unless I left legs off the floor and place them on the love seat's arm.

I recently found a photo that I can focus on, so I may try that for my evening meditation instead of standing at the kitchen sink and washing dishes. It is difficult for me to stand up for long periods of time without one of my legs going to sleep. At least with the photo, I can sit on the love seat while focusing on the picture. I'll give this thirty days before I attempt to change my method of meditation again.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Summary Saturday: An Interesting Week

Jalál (Glory), 16 Bahá (Splendor), 171 BE - Saturday, April 5, 2014 about 4:05 pm Pacific Daylight Time

It has been an interesting week, I went to the gym three day, I did one load of laundry, and I received $30.00 in coupons for the Farmers' Market. Yesterday, April 4, I made green bean and asparagus soup, but did not use any chicken because I forgot to take it out of the freezer. I warmed up some of the broth for breakfast and for lunch I added some leftovers to the soup when I warmed it up. I have not decided what I am having for supper.

I did not go to the gym today because I was not feeling well, I am feeling better this afternoon. If I feel well tomorrow then I will go to the gym, actually I may go anyway. I have two load of laundry I have to wash tomorrow, I can do the laundry either before or after I go to the gym. I should do the laundry before because after I get out of the gym, I do not want to do anything except come home and eat something.

As I said, it has been an interesting week. I would say stressful, but then most of my weeks are stressful. Since I been going to the gym on a regular or semi-regular basis my weeks have been less stressful and they will become even less stressful as soon I can earn enough money to pay my bills. However, all in all it has been a nice week.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Foodie Friday: Coupons for the Farmers' Market

Istiqlál (Independence), 15 Bahá (Splendor), 171 BE - Friday, April 4, 2014 about 1:41 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I have $30.00 in Farmers' Market Coupons, a partial list of locally available produce, one location, and dates of upcoming Farmers' Markets.Next week the Market will be on Monday, April 7, and Wednesday, April 8, I am planning to go on one of those dates. The produce that (I know) will be available are asparagus, cherries, greens, lettuce, peas, radishes, rhubarb, strawberries, spinach, and Swiss chard. I know that I want to get rhubarb and either asparagus or Swiss chard, but before I decide on which I have to check the potassium level in those vegetables.

I can determine the potassium level in each of those vegetables by going to and searching for the ingredients by product name. This is a big help when it comes to following a low potassium diet because once I find out how many milligrams of potassium a vegetable for fruit contains, I know if I can eat it and the amount I can consume at one meal.

This will be my first trip to a farmers' market since my doctor put me on a low potassium diet, so I am looking forward to see what I can find that I can eat. I am looking forward to seeing what else they have and then figuring out how to cook it. I have only two recipe books in  the house (apartment) and I think both of those are microwave cookbooks, which is not going to help since I will be using the electric range.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Thankful Thursday: April 3, 2014

Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Bahá (Splendor), 171 BE - Thursday, April 3, 2014 about 12:49 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...

1. ...for the $30.00 in Farmers' Market coupons I received when I picked up my April Senior Food allotment.

2.  ...that I still have a working Internet connection.

3. ...for the jar of peanut butter I received with my Senior Food allotment.

4. ...that I am still able to drive my car across Las Vegas.

5. ...for the bottle of grape juice I received with my Senior Food allotment.

6. ...that I still have a bag of rice in the cupboard so I can make Spanish rice to go with the ground turkey I have in the freezer.

7. ...for the nice sunshiny day we are experiencing here in Las Vegas.

8. ...that I am over the Spring Fever I suffered from on Wednesday.

9. ...for my family and friends both on and off line.

10. ...that I was able to attend my grief counseling group yesterday.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Midweek Reflections: Giving up Chocolate

‘Idál (Justice), 13 Bahá (Splendor), 171 BE - Wednesday, April 2, 2014 about 6:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I have to give up chocolate! I purchase a milk chocolate Easter bunny on Monday, March 31, when I went to the store to pick up a prescription. I read the nutritional facts on the back of the box, since it did not give the potassium content I figured I did not have to worry about that issue. Today, I did an Internet search for the potassium content of chocolate.

I discovered that milk chocolate has 625 mg of potassium for one cup of chips. The chocolate bunny contains about 16 oz. of chocolate, which means the potassium in the bunny exceeds my low potassium diet. Dark chocolate has 158 mg and white chocolate 243.1 mg of potassium, this means I cannot eat chocolate Easter bunnies or any other type of chocolate candy. I have not checked the potassium content of hot coco mix, but I suspect the potassium content in that product excludes me from drinking hot chocolate or cafe mocha.

I think I will miss the cafe mocha the most, but I could be wrong. I might miss chocolate ice cream or chocolate candy more the cafe mocha. I will just have to see and write about what I miss most. I know one thing for certain, I will have to do an Internet search for potassium content in food and make a grocery list accordingly.