Saturday, August 31, 2013

Another Cloudy Day in Las Vegas

Jalál (Glory), 12 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE - Saturday, August 31, 2013 about 8:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Another cloudy day in Las Vegas,
monsoonal moisture
and clouds cover the Valley
promising rain.

As I look out my window, I see patches of blue peeking through the white and gray clouds above the city. I can feel the humidity making the 82 degree temperature feel like 85. I check the forecast on and find that a flash flood warning, lasting from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm PDT, is indicated.

Another cloudy day in Las Vegas,
with flash flood warnings
and all the issues that they entail,
I am looking forward
to remaining home.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Isolated Thunderstorms in Las Vegas

Istiqlál (Independence), 11 Asmá’(Names), 170 BE - Friday, August 30, 2013 about 9:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Isolated thunderstorms is what t it said on I have not turned on television this morning, so I cannot say what the local meteorologist  have to say. When I looked at the news last night, something was mentioned about rain and thunderstorms today, but I did not pay much attention. The only time I watch the weather report closely is when I plan to leave the house.

Do I hear thunder?
A distant rumble echoes,
I see no lightning.

I like to stay home when it rains. There are two reasons for this, first I do not like to drive in the rain. People in Las Vegas seem to forget how to drive on the slick roads, so I would just as soon stay home or have someone else drive me around when it rains.

Raindrops gently fall
Making the slick asphalt shine,
Driving dangerous.

Second, I like to watch the rain from my living room, kitchen, or bedroom window. Watching the rain brings back memories of my childhood. When it rained on Friday evening or the weekends, I could sit in my Grandparents' living room and watch the rain. Grandma's couch was placed against the wall so that anyone sitting on it could look out the window. This gave a good view of the rain in summer and the snow in winter.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday Memories of My Mother

Istijlál (Majesty), 10 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE - Thursday, August 29, 2013 about 12:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I suppose it has to be this way,
like clouds
moving across the desert
randomly hiding the sun
without cooling the air
or depositing rain.

The memories arrive
in groups
and flocks
remain for a few moments
and then depart
leaving behind
unshed tears.

On Thursday afternoon,
when the central air
hides lesser noises behind
air current echoes,
I remember
the song she sang
in her last years on Earth
I smile,
I cry,
I am grateful
for the sudden arrival
of memories.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Waiting for a postal delivery in Las Vegas

Fidál (Grace), 8 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE – Tuesday, August 27, 2013 about 2:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It is the last Tuesday in August and I am waiting for the mail carrier to arrive. I have not seen the U.S. Postal Service truck drive past. I have not heard letter slot in the front door. All right, strike that! I just heard the carrier drop something through the slot. Perhaps the letter I am waiting for has arrived. Perhaps I will have to wait another day or two for it to come.

I should get up and go into the entrance hall to pick up the mail. I know that just sitting in front of the computer typing this entry is not going to get the mail that is waiting for me. I eventually I have to pick it up to see if I received a bill, junk mail, or something important. While I am up, I should get a glass of ice water and check the thermostat.

It sounds as if; I am attempting to find something to do beside pick up the mail. I want to pick the mail up, so that I know if the letter came. The problem is that I do not want to know if the letter did not come. I know that does not make sense; however, that is how I feel right now. I may as well check to see if the letter came. I will post this and then check the hall for the mail.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Musing: August 26, 2013

Kamál (Perfection), 7 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE – Monday, August 26, 2013 about 10:55 AM Pacific Time

It has been a busy morning. I got a lot done online; in addition, I washed the dishes, did a load of laundry, and turned in (online) a refill for my prescription eye drops. That sound like a boring morning, which is all right with me because exciting mornings can be stressful.

Sometimes Monday is not my favorite day of the week and this last week in August. There are four months left in 2013, I do not feel I have accomplished anything; however, this is not true. I know I have accomplished something; I am just not sure what.

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the New Year of 2013. Now here it is almost September and I still feel like I am spinning my wheels. I do not know what causes this feeling. I know I have been depressed, so that may distort my perception and lend to the feeling of hopelessness and the idea that I have made no progress this year.

Another reason for me being down today is the lack of sunshine. The sky above Las Vegas has been cloudy all day. Looking out the living room window can be depressing, especially when I do not see any birds or other animals flying or scampering about. Maybe I need to stop working and fix myself something.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The End of The Week

Jalál (Glory), 5 Asmá’ (Names), 170 BE - Saturday, August 24, 2013 about 4:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time

At the end of the week,
I watch the clouds moving
from west to east
as I contemplate the handouts
on self-care and happiness.

As I meditate,
I realize that grief is a chrysalis
in which transformation occurs,
but in order
to continue my spiritual and emotional growth,
I must
spread my wings and fly.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Midweek Reflections: A To Do List versus An I Did List

‘Idál (Justice), 2 Asmá’(Names), 170 BE - Wednesday, August 21, 2013 about 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight

Time After several attempts at working a "To Do List" with little success, I have decided to take a different approach to the subject. A few years before my mother's death, we discussed how she did her house work and held down a full time job while raising four children. My mother told me that she wrote down the house work items she accomplished before going to work.

I ran across one of Mom's lists in a notebook, I looked it over and realized that she never wrote down the doing the dishes or laundry which she did everyday. Mom wrote down the big stuff that she had to do either once a week or once a month. That way she knew she had completed the task for that week or that month. Another thing I remember about Mom doing housework, is that she did not have specific days to do a specific job.

For instance, if Mom cleaned the bathroom on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday one week then the next week she would clean it on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. She worked the same way when it came to the kitchen or another room in the house. So I think I will stop attempting a "To Do List" and write "An I Did List", at least for housework.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Birds, birds, and more birds

Fiḍál (Grace), 1 Asmá’(Names), 170 BE - Tuesday, August 20, 2013 about 7:50 AM Pacific Time

This morning, I saw a flock of birds flying south east. The black or dark brown birds stood out against the grayish, moisture bearing clouds. I think there were about half-a-dozen birds in the flock. I am not a birdwatcher so I do not know the names of the birds.

a flock of black birds
are flying southeast toward
the outskirts of town

This is the third time this week I have noticed the bird in this neighborhood. On Sunday, I saw a mourning dove sitting on my garage roof. I watched it for about five or six minutes before it flew away. Then on Monday, I saw another mourning dove (or perhaps it was the same one I saw on Sunday)  sitting on my garage roof.

Sunday mourning dove
sits on top of my garage
then it flies away

There are only a handful of birds I can identify by sight, sound, and name. I can identify mourning doves, sparrows, and nightingales.  Mourning doves are grayish with pigeon shaped bodies and they sound like they are crying. Sparrows and nightingales are small birds, with the sparrows somewhat smaller then the nightingales. The nightingales song is the sweeties and most beautiful of any birdsong I have heard.

Monday mourning dove
makes an encore appearance
but does not remain

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday and my Thoughts are Scattered

Kamál (Perfection), 19 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Monday, August 19, 2013 about 1:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It's Monday
and my thoughts are scattered
unlike the clouds
that cover the Las Vegas sky.

There isn't a completed cloud cover because patches of blue sky peek through the white clouds. The clouds are bright and reflecting the sunlight that slips through the scattered patches of blue. There is a gentle breeze blowing through the neighbor's olive and oak trees.

It was a pleasant morning, at least from my point of view. Some  people would say it was a muggy morning that because of the humidity felt hotter then it really was, but after yesterday's rain I thought it felt pleasant.

It's Monday
for breakfast I ate borsch
poured over blueberry bagels;
even though
I didn't add sour cream
the concoction tasted good.

It's past time for lunch, so I should go fix me something to eat. I have a can of beef and some cooked celery. I cooked the celery in borsch and it still has some of the sweet beet taste. I think I will open the can of beef, mix it with the celery, and warm it up in the microwave.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Flash Flood Warning in Southern Nevada

Jamál (Beauty), 18 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE – Sunday, August 18, 2013 about 3:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I watched as the day darkened. Clouds moved in from the west slowly covering the blue afternoon sky. I turned on the television and switched to the Weather Channel. I listened to the flash flood warning, not sure, where it was raining. I knew that, besides Las Vegas, the warning covered the Carpenter 1 burn area, which was somewhere around Mount Charleston.

Since it was not raining in my neighborhood, I decided to take some newspapers to the garage. After putting the newspapers in the white recyclable bin, I stood looking at the sky. There was a patch of blue over the eastern mountains, but to the west dark clouds covered the entire sky. I went back into the house to get some more recyclable for the red container.

I was not in the house for more then five or ten minutes; however, when I got back outside the patch of blue to the east has shrunk. I came back into the house because I wanted to write this entry. I checked the thermostat because before I took the papers out, the thermostat read 85 degrees. In the short time it took me, to take the recyclables to the garage the temperature inside had dropped two degrees. I could now turn on the computer and write this entry.

As I look outside, I can see that the clouds have moved farther east. I do not know if it is going to rain in this neighborhood, but that is possible. Therefore, I will post this now before I hear thunder or see lighting. I am glad I am not on Mount Charleston today or anywhere that it may be flooding. The best in Las Vegas to be when there is a Flash Flood warning is in your house or hotel room.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thankful Thursday: August 15, 2013

Istijlál (Majesty), 15 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Thursday, August 15, 2013 about 5:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful for...

the gray morning clouds
transformed by the days first light
into burning coals

a velvet black sky
transformed by the rays of dawn
into joyous blue

Today I am thankful for...
  1. the fruit I have in the fridge for me to eat;
  2. the beauty of another warm August day;
  3. iced coffee to go with my newspaper;
  4. the slow transformation from night to day;
  5. a couch to sleep on that is more comfortable then my bed;
  6. the bird flying past my window;
  7. the mourning dove I saw on my garage roof yesterday;
  8. the prayers and scriptures revealed by Baha'u'llah;
  9. the haiku poetry form;
  10. a car to drive

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Long and Weary Day in Las Vegas

Fiḍál (Grace), 13 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Tuesday, August 13, 2013 about Sunset Pacific Daylight Time

It's been a long and weary, or perhaps I should say worry, day. I'm tired. I should log off, say some prayers, and go to sleep. I plan to spend at least two hours on hold tomorrow attempting to get some help with my power bill. I don't know if I will get help. I don't know if I will do anything except listen to hold music, but I'll try.

I suppose I could go into another rant about all the difficulty I've had, attempting to get assistance. I doubt that another rant would help. It won't help find money for the bill and it will just make me more depressed. I think I will attempt to write a blog entry or two while I'm on hold tomorrow. I don't know what subject I'll write about, but I will attempt to write a blog entry.  I don't have the patience to wait on hold unless I have something else to do besides listen to the silly music.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Friday shopping in Las Vegas

Istiqlál (Independence), 9 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Friday, August 9, 2013 about 7:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I went to the grocery store this morning. I bought two individual watermelons, a loaf of bread, and a package of personal items. I intended to buy only the bread and the personal items, but the watermelons were two for the price of one so I bought two. Since I am the only one in the house I will be eating watermelon for at least four days, unless I decided to have the melons for two meals tomorrow.

cold watermelon
a summer time favorite
childhood memories

I started buying the individual watermelons when Mom was alive. I could buy one melon without worrying about finding room in the refrigerator. I found that I like the small melons because they taste good and I can eat one in a couple of days instead of a week and worrying about it spoiling. I know that I should have purchased just one melon, but the price was good and I was thirsty.

I ate before I went to the store this morning, but I did not take any water with me because I figured I was just going a short distance. Next time I take water with me and drink it before going into the store. That way I will not be tempted to purchase more melons then I can eat in two days.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Thankful Thursday: August 8, 2013

Istijlál (Majesty), 8 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Thursday, August 8, 2013 about 6:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...
  1. that I remembered it was Thankful Thursday so that I could make this blog post;
  2. that I received a jar of peanut butter in one of the grocery bags when I picked up my senior food allotment today;
  3. for the beautiful white clouds in the sky;
  4. that the half broken limb on the pine tree in the front yard did not break during the night and block my driveway;
  5. that I live in a quiet neighborhood because I can hear the birds singing in the morning;
  6. that I have a couch to sleep on instead of having to sleep on the floor;
  7. for the poetry of a bird flying back to its nest;
  8. for iced coffee on a hot summer morning;
  9. for ice cube trays because the ice maker in my refrigerator does not work;
  10. for the wind blowing through the elm trees.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I need to drink more water

‘Idál (Justice), 7 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE – Wednesday, August 7, 2013 about 4:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I have heard that a person should drink water before they get thirsty because thirst is a sign of dehydration. The problem is that I do not think about drinking water before I am thirsty. When I do get thirsty, I usually fix myself a glass of iced water or drink a soda. I know that I should drink water or juice instead of soda, but water or juice do not always quench my thirst. Water alone does not always quench my thirst.

In order for water to quench my thirst, it has to be very cold. I do not like to drink water that is room temperature. I do not mind drinking hot tea or coffee, but water has be iced cold before I can drink enough to quench my thirst. I know this probably sounds silly, but I do know where it came from.

When I was a child growing up in Oklahoma, my Grandmother always kept cold water in the refrigerator. If she did not have cold water in the fridge then she would get an ice cube tray out of the freezer and make us ice cold water. As a child, I never drink water directly from the faucet and I think that is why I do not like to drink water at room temperature.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon in Las Vegas

Fiḍál (Grace), 6 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Tuesday, August 6, 2013 about 12:57 PM Pacific Time

The postman just delivered the mail and I am about out of iced coffee. I should get up from this computer and pick up the letters or more likely junk mail he just stuck through the mail slot in the front door. I am not looking forward to seeing what the postman brought today, but it could be something important.

Tuesday afternoon
wind blowing and sky hazy
sun cast dark shadows

I need another cup of iced coffee or maybe a cold soda. The problem is that I do not want to get up. The only thing I want to do is write. I keep looking out the window to see if I can get an idea for another haiku or perhaps a story. The only things I see outside are cars driving by or the wind blowing through a neighbor's olive tree.

blow dryer effect
triple digit temperatures
a hazy blue sky

This afternoon, the wind is variable. I can tell which way the wind is blowing by looking at the American flag flying in front of my neighbor's house. I do not think the wind is blowing more then two or three miles an hour; however, I have not listened to the news or checked the weather online, so the wind could be blowing faster or slower.

Las Vegas summer
wind blue skies and sometime clouds
always hot outside

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Sunday Review: Tried something new last week

Jamál (Beauty), 4 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Sunday, August 4, 2013 about 9:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I tried something new last week, I used a packaged dressing and seasoning mix to make a spread for my sandwiches. A week or so ago, when I picked up some food supplies at one of the churches which gives away free food, I received two packages of garlic and herb packaged dressing mix. At the time, I did not know what I was going to do with the mix.

On Friday, August 2, I went to the store to pick up some food supplies and use some coupons that were on the verge of expiring. One of the coupons was for two jars of mayonnaise, so I bought them. On Saturday, I mixed the garlic and herb seasoning with the mayonnaise. The mixture tastes good when spread on bread with an egg. The mayonnaise gives the garlic and herbs an intriguing flavor. I am still experimenting with this mixture so I do not have a specific recipe yet.

That is the only thing new I tried last week. I like to attempt something new each week even if the only thing I do is cook something different. I  have a dish of pasta in the refrigerator that I cooked on Thursday. I still have a package of the herb and garlic seasoning, so I think I will try the mayonnaise mixture on the pasta because I think it would make a great dressing for a pasta salad.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Thankful Thursday: The first Thankful Thursday in August

Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Thursday, August 1, 2013 about 7:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am Thankful...
  1. that this is the first of five Thankful Thursday's in August because I can find at least fifty things to give thanks for;
  2. that a gentle morning breeze is blowing through the neighbors' oak and olive trees;
  3. that the half-broken limb on the pine tree in my front yard did not break off during the night and block my drive way;
  4. that there are beautiful while clouds scatter across the sky above Las Vegas this morning;
  5. that I remembered to freeze some coffee ice cubes yesterday and I can have a couple of glasses of iced coffee  today;
  6. that I placed a pitcher of water in the refrigerator yesterday so that I can have cold water today;
  7. that the morning sun is shining between the scattered clouds;
  8. that I have an area fan which keeps me cool while I am working at the computer;
  9. that I woke up in a positive mood this morning rather then being depressed;
  10. that I have some oranges to eat for breakfast and lunch.